Dr. Anne Kanga

Senior Lecturer


Social Science Researcher

Professional Writer

Dr. Anne Kanga

Senior Lecturer


Social Science Researcher

Professional Writer

About Me

Hello! I am Dr. Anne Kanga, currently a Senior Lecturer at The Catholic University Of Eastern Africa.

I obtained my 1st and 2nd degree in Education from Kenyatta University, and a PhD in Instructional Leadership and Educational Research from the University of Alabama, USA. I am an educator with 38 years of Teaching, Research and Community Service, ranging from Basic to Higher Education (7 years high school teaching, 6 years Diploma Teachers College, 6 years Graduate Research Assistant, and 17 years University teaching). I am currently a senior lecturer, Faculty of Education, Catholic University of Eastern Africa. Closely and embedded in my teaching role is mentoring of pre-service teachers, a role I performed with excellence for 11 years as the Head of Teaching Practice and Mentoring Program at the University-The Catholic University of Eastern Africa. My specialization is in Instructional Leadership and Educational Research with a keen focus in Mixed Methods and Qualitative Research Methodologies. My research and scholarship focuses on Educational Equality and Equity for the disenfranchised, young adults as they navigate life, Student Centered Learning (SCL) and online teaching and learning.  As social inequalities and inequities in the society and reflected in educational institutions become more acute, I seek to explore and foreground a better understanding of how respective social institutions and especially the home and educational institutions can foster resilience and democratic practices for a just society. My teaching philosophy is informed by critical pedagogy and multiple intelligence theories that every learner has inherent potential to be the best of themselves if equality, equity, mentoring is observed leading to democratic spaces for all learners.

  • Home: P.O Box 420-00502, Karen, Nairobi, Kenya
  • Residence: Karen, Nairobi, Kenya
  • Tel: 0723-017-418
  • Personal E-mail: awkanga@gmail.com
  • Work E-mail: ankanga@cuea.edu
  • Twitter: @AnneKanga13
  • Linkedin: Dr. Anne Kanga
  • Linkedin: Dr. Anne Kanga
  • Academia: Dr. Anne Kanga
  • Google Scholar: Dr. Anne Kanga
Special Qualifications, Skills and Competencies
Virtual Teaching/Learning and Assessment using KENET Web Conferencing and BBB
Smart Board Usage with Interactive Digital Projectors
E-Teaching and Learning using Moodle Platform
Excellent in analyzing data using • Otter.ai Transcribing Function • SPSS Software
Excellent in All Microsoft Office Software and Platforms
Excellent in Using the Moodle-E-Learning Software.
Fun Facts
80+ Albumes Listened
25+ Awards Won
1 000+ Cups Of Coffee
10+ Countries Visited
Education is not just about imparting knowledge; it's about inspiring transformation and shaping the future.
Dr. Anne Kanga
Dr. Anne Kanga
Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer, Catholic University of Eastern Africa - CUEA
2012 - Present
Senior Lecturer, Catholic University of Eastern Africa - CUEA

Collaborate with creative and development teams on the execution of ideas.

Lecturer, Catholic University of Eastern Africa	-CUEA
Lecturer, Catholic University of Eastern Africa -CUEA

Taught both online and physical courses in the University. 

Assistant Teaching Practice Coordinator 
2011 - 2013
Assistant Teaching Practice Coordinator - CUEA

I headed the office of the Assistant Teaching Practice Coordinator at CUEA.

Coordinator, Proposals, Dissertations and Theses Writing-CUEA
2008 - 2013
Coordinator, Proposals, Dissertations and Theses Writing-CUEA

I headed the office of the Coordinator, Proposals, Dissertations and Theses Writing at CUEA.

Research Assistant, Department of Educational Policy and Technology
Studies, The University of Alabama, USA
2000 - 2005
Research Assistant, Department of Educational Policy and Technology Studies, The University of Alabama, USA

I headed the office of the Research Assistant, Department of Educational Policy and Technology Studies, The University of Alabama, USA.

Substitute Teacher, Hoover Public Schools, USA
Substitute Teacher, Hoover Public Schools, USA

I acted as a Substitute Teacher at Hoover Public Schools, USA

Lecturer and Head of Home Economics Department, Kagumo Teachers’ 
			College, Kenya
Lecturer and Head of Home Economics Department, Kagumo Teachers’ College, Kenya

I was a Lecturer and Head of Home Economics Department, Kagumo Teachers’
College, Kenya

Current Research Interests

Current Research Interests

  • Gender Equity and Policy Issues in Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Educational Equity and Equality issues in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Improving teaching and learning outcomes at both basic and higher institutions of learning.
  • Student Centered Learning Pedagogies and Virtual Teaching & Learning
Curriculum Review and Development

Curriculum Review and Development

  • 2024 - Undergraduate and Postgraduate Course Outlines in Light of Competence Based Curriculum
  • 2018 - Masters in Educational Research and Evaluation (Review Panelist)-CUEA (CUE Approved)
  • 2017 - Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching Higher Education (PGDTHE), CUEA
  • 2011 - PhD and Masters in Research & Evaluation (Review Panelist)-CUEA (CUE Approved)
  • 2011 - Masters & PhD in History of Education (Panelist) – CUEA
  • 2011 - County’s Civic Education Program on Kenya’s Vision 2030-Education Sector in collaboration with Center for Social Justice –CUEA
  • 2010 - Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching Higher Education (PGTHE), CUEA
  • 2010 - Ethnography and Collaborative Research, MA Course in Community Care, HIV & AIDS, St Pauls’ University, Limuru (CUE, Approved)
Consultancy and Related Research Activities

Consultancy and Related Research Activities

  • 2021 - National Research Fund Multidisciplinary Research Program (NRFMRP) Education Research Stakeholders Workshop on “Assessment of The Production of Educational Research and its Utilization for Policy Formulation and Program Implementation in Kenya. Blended (Virtual & Kenyatta University) Consultative Meeting held on 2nd September, 2022.
  • 2015-2016 - FHI 360 – Kenya, ROADS II Project: Research and Report on “Promoting Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership: Lessons from a Community Organizing Approach in East, Central and Southern Africa (Rwanda Report)
  • 2013/2014 - FHI 360 – Kenya, ROADS II Project: Research & Report on “Promoting Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership: Lessons from a Community Organizing Approach in East, Central and Southern Africa (Kenya & Uganda Report)
  • 2010-2013 - Catholic University of Eastern Africa: Faculty Research Grant: Research study: Analysis of Mushrooming Private Primary Schools in Kenya and their Effects on Public Education: A Study of a Rural and an Urban District -Funded by Department of Research – Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • October 2008-March 2009: Save the Children-UK: “Study of Girls Education, Gender Based Violence & Protection Issues at the Primary School Level in Southern Sudan – A Situational Analysis
University Committees and Other Professional Activities

University Committees and Other Professional Activities

  • 2017 – 2023: Senator, CUEA
  • 2016 – Present: Faculty of Education Interdisciplinary Conference Scientific Committee Member
  • 2016-Present: CUEA University Pastoral Council Member (UPC)
  • 2014 – Present: Teaching Practice External Examiner for St. Augustine Teachers Training College, Ishiara
  • 2013-Present: Ecumenical Representative – CUEA Chaplaincy Department
  • 2008 – Present: Editorial Advisory Board, Eastern African Journal of Humanities and Sciences
  • 2012-2014: Graduation Ushers Sub-Committee Convener
  • 2008 -2012: Committee member of the Women’s International Day activities at CUEA
  • 2008-2013: Post Graduate Studies in Education (PGSE) Coordinator of Proposals, Projects, Theses and Dissertations
  • 2008-2013: Faculty of Education Social Welfare Organizer
  • 2008 – 2012: Faculty of Education Retreat organizing - Committee Member
Invited Academic and Seminar Related Presentations

Invited Academic and Seminar Related Presentations

  • 2024: 29th April - 3rd May 2024- Institutional Ethics Review Seminar By NACOSTI -In Attendance
  • 2021 – Present: Kenyatta University Educational Research Stakeholders Forum/Workshop on Assessment of the Production of Education Research and its Utilization for Policy Formulation and program Implementation in Kenya (Research Advisory Role)
  • 2018: East African Conference on Inclusive Education, KISE/USIU- Session Chair – Teacher Education and Inclusive Education
  • 2011: St. Pauls University-Limuru, MA Students, Qualitative Data Analysis
  • 2010: St. Pauls University-Limuru, MA Students, Qualitative & Quantitative Data Analysis
  • 2009: Marist International College-Faculty Supervision of Research Projects
Selected Community Service and Related Activities

Selected Community Service and Related Activities

  • 2019 - Present: Life Springs PCEA Church High Schoolers Mentoring Program (Initiator & Coordinator)
  • 2016 - Present: CUEA University Pastoral Council Member (UPC)
  • 2013 - Present: Ecumenical Representative – CUEA Chaplaincy Department
  • 2013 - Present: Coordinator of the CUEA Family Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WOPCU) Annual Ecumenical Service
  • 2015 - Present: Reviewer, General Education Journal of Mount Meru University, Arusha, Tanzania
  • 2013 - Present: Member of the International Ecumenical Movement, Kenya-IEM-K
  • 2011 - 2014: PTA Member – Precious Blood Girls’ Secondary School- Riruta
  • 2008 - Present: Actively involved in CUEA Community Service Week Activities and Faculty of Education annual tree planting Exercise
  • 2007 - 2012: Committee member of the Women’s International Day activities at CUEA
Selected Honors and Awards

Selected Honors and Awards


  • Kappa Delta Pi – International Educational Honor society, Spring 2002

Selected Awards and Contracts

  • 2019: CUEA’s Employees Conference and Seminars Facilitation Award to attend and present a paper during the African Studies Association of Africa (ASAA) International Conference at USIU, Nairobi, Kenya (24th –26th October, 2019)
  • 2015-2016: FHI 360 – Kenya, ROADS II Project Research & Report on “Promoting Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership: Lessons from a Community Organizing Approach in East, Central and Southern Africa (Kenya & Uganda Study)
  • 2013/2014: FHI 360 – Kenya, ROADS II Project Research & Report on “Promoting Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership: Lessons from a Community Organizing Approach in East, Central and Southern Africa (Rwanda Study)
  • 2010/2012: Analysis of Mushrooming Private Primary Schools in Kenya and their Effects on Public Education: A Study of Lang'ata and Kigumo Districts – Funded by CUEA Faculty Research Grant
  • 2008/2009: Study of Girls Education, Gender Based Violence & Protection Issues at the Primary Level in Southern Sudan – A Situational Analysis. Funded by Save-The-Children UK
  • 2000-2005: PhD Graduate Research Assistantship Education Grant – The University of Alabama
  • 2003-2004: Recipient of the Paul G. Orr Memorial Fellowship in Educational Administration The University of Alabama College of Education
  • 2004: Recipient of the Student Government Association (SGA) Research Support Fund – SGA – The University of Alabama
  • 2002-2003: Recipient of the Paul G. Orr Memorial Fellowship in Educational Administration The University of Alabama College of Education
  • 2003: Recipient of the Capstone International Center Research Travel Support Fund – Capstone International Students’ Center- The University of Alabama
  • 2003: Recipient of the Graduate Student Research & Travel Support Award – Graduate school- The University of Alabama - Fall 2003.
  • 2002: Recipient of Educational Leadership, Policy, & Technological Studies (ELPTS) travel support fund – ELPTS department – The University of Alabama


  1. Professor Mary Getui
    Catholic University of Eastern Africa
    P.O Box 62157-00200
    Nairobi, Kenya
    Email: mgetui@cuea.edu
  2. Prof Emeritus, Githui Kimamo
    Mt Kenya University, Thika
    Phone: 0722851104
    Email: gmkimamo@gmail.com
  3. Njeri Kang’ethe
    Legal Consultant and Dean, Faculty of Law
    Catholic University of Eastern Africa
    P.O Box 62157-00200
    Nairobi, Kenya
    Tel: 072274465
    Email: njerikangethe55@gmail.com / kang’ethenjeri@cuea.edu
PhD, The University of Alabama, USA
Major: Instructional Leadership

Minor: Educational Research Methods and Women Studies

MED, Home Economics Education (Higher Education)
Kenyatta University
2004 - 2005
BED, Home Economics Education (Secondary Education & Teacher Training Colleges)
Kenyatta University
Current Research Interests
1. Gender Equity and Policy Issues in Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
2. Educational Equity and Equality issues in Sub-Saharan Africa
3. Improving teaching and learning outcomes at both basic and higher institutions of learning.
4. Student Centered Learning Pedagogies and Virtual Teaching & Learning
Teaching and Instruction
1. Postgraduate Courses Taught
  • CP 704  Advanced Qualitative & Mixed Method Research Designs & Data Analysis
  • CP 922   Advanced Qualitative & Mixed Method Research Designs & Data Analysis
  • Ed 814   Advanced Methods of Qualitative Data Analysis in Education (PhD)
  • ED 704  Advanced Qualitative & Mixed Method Research Designs (PhD)
  • Ed 804      Evaluation theory, models and methodology (PhD)
  • ED 506   Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods in Education (Masters)
  • ED 520   Effective Teaching & Learning in Higher Education (Masters)
  • PGDTHE   507 Effective Teaching & Learning in Higher Education (Postgraduate Diploma in T/L   in Higher Ed)
  • PGDTHE 505: Educational Research Methods
  • PGDTHE 503: Instructional Methods
  • Ed 700      Educational Research Methods (PhD)
  • ED 500   Educational Research Methods (Masters)
2.Undergraduates Studies Courses Taught
  • NUR 404 –Research Methods
  • ED 103/DED 518 –Research Methods
  • DED507/ED 402 Sociology of Education
  • ED 302     Comparative & Contemporary Issues in Education
  • ED 403: Educational Economics and Planning
2.Supervision/Mentoring of Projects, Theses & Dissertations –Completed and Graduated PhDs
  • [2023]

    • Mary Kiuna: "Effectiveness of Guidance and Counselling Programmes (GC) on the Development of Trainees’ Psychosocial Competencies (PC) in Diploma Teacher Training Colleges in Nyeri and Nairobi Counties" (Graduated Oct, 2023)

    • Annplosa Kinuthia: "Influence of Head Teachers Leadership Skills on the Implementation of Health and Hygiene Safety Guidelines in Public Primary Schools in Murang’a South Sub County, Kenya" (Graduated Oct, 2023)


    • Charles Omboto: "Teachers’ Readiness in Implementing Digital Literacy Program in Public Primary Special Institutions in Nairobi and Kiambu Counties, Kenya" (Graduated Oct, 2022)

    • Francis Ehiamhen Obaweiki: "Relationship Between Moral Disengagement and Cybercrime Among Cybercrime Prisoners in Four Selected Prisons in Lagos State, Nigeria" (Graduated Oct, 2022)

    • D. A. Okoth: "Effectiveness of HIV and AIDS Teaching Strategies in Public Boarding Secondary Schools in Kisumu County, Kenya" (Graduated Oct, 2022)


    • Ezekiel Kitivo: "Formative Evaluation of Industrial Training Programmes at the Technology Development Centre, Nairobi, Kenya" (Graduated Oct, 2019)

    • Dorcas Wambugu: "Relevance of Secondary School Curriculum in Preventing Radicalization Amongst Students in Kamukunji Sub-county, Nairobi County, Kenya" (Graduated on 25th October, 2019)


    • Daniel Alela: "Assessment of Performance Contracting on Organizational Service Delivery in the Public Sector in Kenya, State Department of Education" (Graduated in October, 2018)

    • Jane Kamau: "Parents’ Perceptions on Their Participation in Free Primary Education Implementation in Nyeri County" (Graduated in October, 2018)


    • Winfred Kiogora: "Ecological Determinants of Distance Learners’ Academic Performance in Bachelor of Business Administration Programme: A Case Study of Kenya Methodist University, Kenya" (Graduated October, 2017)


    • Gurro Yattani: "Stakeholders’ Roles in Implementing Equity in Resource Inputs and its Influence on Outputs in Public Secondary Schools in Marsabit County, Kenya" (Graduated October 2016)

    • Benjamin Kyalo Wambua: "Assessment of Research Dissemination and Utilization Among University Academic Staff in Kenya" (Graduated in May, 2016)

    • L. Munyao: "Exploration of Total Quality Management as Embedded in International Organization for Standardization 900:2008 for Continuous Improvement of Distance Education in Kenya: A Case Study of the University of Nairobi" (Graduated in October, 2016)


    • Michael Karanja: "Determinants of Cognitive and Socio-Emotional Competencies among Pupils in Early Childhood Development Centers in Informal Urban Settlements of Nairobi, Kenya" (Graduated in October, 2015)

    • Eleen Chesaro: "Analysis of the Girl Child Participation in Free Day Secondary School Education in Baringo Central, Baringo County, Kenya" (Graduated in October, 2015)


    • S. Maina: "Formative Evaluation of the Implementation of Gender Programmes in Public Primary Schools in Kajiado North District, Kenya" (Graduated in October, 2014)

    • Y. Weldemariam: "Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Capacity Building Diploma Programme for Public Secondary School Principals in Kisii County, Kenya" (Graduated in May, 2014)


    • J. Gatua: "Assessment of the Implementation of Ministry of Education Safety Guidelines on Physical Infrastructure in Public Secondary Schools in Nairobi West, Nairobi County, Kenya" (Graduated in October, 2013). 
Current Professional and Academic Associations

Current Professional and Academic Associations

  • African Studies Association of Africa (ASAA), 2019
  • American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2002 to date (Member)
  • American Educational Studies Association (AESA), 2002 to date (Member)
  • World Educational Research Association (WERA), 2017 to date (Member)
  • Africa Network on Inclusive Education (ANIE) – 2018 to date (Session Chair)
  • General Education Journal (GEJ) – 2015-Present - Reviewer
  • Journal of Global Gender Issues (JGGI) - Editor (http://jghcs.info/index.php/gg-Reviewer)
  • East African Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (EAJHSS) - Reviewer - Formerly a CUEA Journal
  • Finesse Journal
  • Faculty of Education Interdisciplinary Conference Proceedings Publications - 2008 to Present
  • Association of Third World Studies (ATWS) - Member
Current Professional and Academic Associations

Current Professional and Academic Associations

  • African Studies Association of Africa (ASAA), 2019
  • American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2002 to date (Member)
  • American Educational Studies Association (AESA), 2002 to date (Member)
  • World Educational Research Association (WERA), 2017 to date (Member)
  • Africa Network on Inclusive Education (ANIE) – 2018 to date (Session Chair)
  • General Education Journal (GEJ)– 2015-Present- Reviewer
  • Journal of Global Gender Issues (JGGI) (Editor) http://jghcs.info/index.php/gg-Reviewer
  • East African Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (EAJHSS) (Reviewer)…Formerly a CUEA Journal
  • Finesse Journal
  • Faculty of Education Interdisciplinary Conference Proceedings Publications -2008 to Present
  • Association of Third World Studies (ATWS) (Member)


  • English
  • Kiswahili
  • Kikuyu
  • Others (Moderate in several other ethnic languages in Kenya)


  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Tennis
  • Running
  • Walking
  • Kitchen Gardening
  • Cooking
  • Sewing


Journal Articles

  • Kinuthia, A., Nduku, E. & Kanga, A. (2023). Influence of Head Teachers Interpersonal Skills on the implementation of Health and Hygiene Safety Guidelines in Public Primary schools in Murang’a South Sub-County, Kenya. African Research Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 10(3), 32-45
  • Kinuthia, A., Nduku, E. & Kanga, A. (2023). Challenges Faced by Head Teachers in the Implementation of School Health and Hygiene Safety Guidelines in Public Primary Schools in Murang’a South Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of Africana Articles, 4(6), 1-16
  • Akhwesa, G., Anyona, J. and Kanga, A. (2022). Preparedness of Facilitators in Promoting Implementation of Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) in Pre Schools in Kayole, Location, Nairobi, Kenya. Journal of Popular Education in Africa, 6(4,5,& 6), 64-75
  • Kiuna, M, Ngonzi, E. Okapalaenwe…& Kanga, A. (July, 2022). Gender Differences in Decision Making Skills among Teacher Trainees: A Comparative Study of Public Diploma Teacher Training Colleges in Nairobi and Nyeri Counties. IQSR-Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences –IQSR-JHSS), 27(7), 52-58. DOI: 10.9790/0837-2707095258. www.iosrjournals.org
  • Kiuna, M, Ngonzi, E. Okapalaenwe…& Kanga, A. (August, 2022). Gender and Age Differences in Conflict Resolution: A Case of of Public Diploma Teacher Training Colleges in Nairobi and Nyeri Counties. IQSR-Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences –IQSR-JHSS), 27(8), 51-57. DOI: 10.9790/0837-2708085. www.iosrjournals.org157
  • Njiru, J. I. & Kanga, A. W. (2022). Challenges and Solutions of Guidance and Counseling Services in Public Primary Schools in Mbere Division, Embu County, Kenya. International Journal of Current Research, 14(9), 22327-22334. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24941/ijcr.43978.09.2022
  • Omboto, C. M & Kanga, A. W. (2022). Where are we in Space? Examining Teachers’ ICT Competency in Teaching Learners in Special Primary Schools in Nairobi, Kenya. European Journal of Special Education Research, 8(3), 79-91. DOI:10.46827/ejse.v8.3.4361 –PhD 2022 https://oapub.org/edu/index.php/ejse/article/view/4361 -link Available online at http://www.oapub.org/edu -Author’s IDs
  • Omboto C. M., Kanga, A. W. & Njageh, A. K. (2022). Myth or Reality? Digital Literacy Programme Implementation in Primary Special Schools in Nairobi, Kenya. European Journal Education, 5(2), 51-66. https://doi.org/10.2478/ejed-2022-0004. https://sciendo.com/article/10.2478/ejed-2022-0004?tab=pdf-preview
  • Kitivo, E.; Kanga, A. W. & Mbae, J. (2021). Evaluation of Training Programmes: A Review of Selected Models and Approaches. International Journal of Educational Theory and Practice, 4(1), 1-16. http://www.finessejournals.com PhD 2021-Journal under Kitivo & Kavulya??? https://www.finessejournals.com/index.php/IJETP/article/view/28
  • Kitivo, E.; Kanga, A. W. & Mbae, J. (2020). Evaluation of Implementation Training Programmes at the Technology Development Center, Athi River, Kenya. International Journal of Educational Theory and Practice, 4(1), 1-16. http://www.finessejournals.com PhD 2021 http://www.finessejournals.com
  • Ochieng, M, A., Kanga, A. W & Mwaniki, C. N. (2022). Influence of Staff Turnover on Academic Performance of Pupils in Public Primary Schools of Bondo Sub-County, Siaya County, Kenya. Journal of Popular Education in Africa, 6(6), 4-21. ISSN 2523-2800 (online) Masters 2022 https://kenyasocialscienceforum.files.wordpress.com/2022/07/pdf-ochieng-kanga-mwaniki-influence-of-staff-turnover-on-academic-performance2.pdf ISSN 2523-2800 (online)-Author’s ID
  • Gatogo, B, N., Kanga, A. W & Machyo, C. (2022). Assessment of Strategies used to Promote Learning of Low Academic Achievers in Public Secondary schools in Kandara Sub-County, Murang’a County, Kenya. Journal of Popular Education in Africa, 6(6), 25-43. ISSN 2523-2800 (online) Masters 2022https://kenyasocialscienceforum.files.wordpress.com/2022/06/pdf-gatogo-kanga-machyo-assessment-of-strategies-used-to-promote-learning-of-low-academic-achievers.pdf ISSN 2523-2800 (online)
  • Akhwesa, G., Anyona, J, N & Kanga, A. W. (2022). Preparedness of Facilitators in Promoting Implementation of Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) in Pre Schools in Kayole, Location, Nairobi, Kenya. Journal of Popular Education in Africa, 6(4), 64-75. https://kenyasocialscienceforum.files.wordpress.com/2022/05/pdf-akhwesa-anyona-kanga-preparedness-of-facilitators-in-promoting-implementation-of-competence-based-curriculum-cbc-in-pre-schools-in-kayole-location-nairobi.pdfISSN 2523-2800 (online)
  • Kiuna, M., Ngonzi, E. Okapalaenwe…& Kanga, A. (2022). Gender Differences in Decision Making Skills among Teacher Trainees: A Comparative Study of Public Diploma Teacher Training Colleges in Nairobi and Nyeri Counties. IQSR-Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences –IQSR-JHSS), 27(7), 52-58. DOI: 10.9790/0837-2707095258. www.iosrjournals.org
  • Kiuna, M., Ngonzi, E. Okapalaenwe…& Kanga, A. (2022). Gender and Age Differences in Conflict Resolution: A Case of of Public Diploma Teacher Training Colleges in Nairobi and Nyeri Counties. IQSR-Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences –IQSR-JHSS), 27(8), 51-57. DOI: 10.9790/0837-2708085. www.iosrjournals.org
  • Kimathi, K., Kanga, A. W. & Ng’ang’a, F. (2022). A Review of Strategies used by Principals to Enhance Discipline in Public Secondary Schools in Kirinyaga Central Sub-County, Kirinyaga County, Kenya. Journal of Popular Education in Africa, 6(2), 74-85. ISSN 2523-2800 (online)
  • Munyao, P. W., Mwonga, M. A. & Kanga, A. W. (2022). Influence of Head Teachers’ Support on Implementation of CBC in Public Primary Schools in Kandara Sub-County, Murang’a County, Kenya. Journal of Popular Education in Africa, 6(2), 1-15. ISSN 2523-2800 (online)
  • Njiru, J. I. & Kanga, A. W. (2022). Challenges and Solutions of Guidance and Counseling Services in Public Primary Schools in Mbere Division, Embu County, Kenya. International Journal of Current Research, 14(9), 22327-22334. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24941/ijcr.43978.09.2022
  • Omboto, C. M & Kanga, A. W. (2022). Where are we in Space? Examining Teachers’ ICT Competency in Teaching Learners in Special Primary Schools in Nairobi, Kenya. European Journal of Special Education Research, 8(3), 79-91. DOI:10.46827/ejse.v8.3.4361 –PhD 2022 https://oapub.org/edu/index.php/ejse/article/view/4361 -link Available online at http://www.oapub.org/edu -Author’s IDs
  • Omboto C. M., Kanga, A. W. & Njageh, A. K. (2022). Myth or Reality? Digital Literacy Programme Implementation in Primary Special Schools in Nairobi, Kenya. European Journal Education, 5(2), 51-66. https://doi.org/10.2478/ejed-2022-0004. https://sciendo.com/article/10.2478/ejed-2022-0004?tab=pdf-preview
  • Kitivo, E.; Kanga, A. W. & Mbae, J. (2021). Evaluation of Training Programmes: A Review of Selected Models and Approaches. International Journal of Educational Theory and Practice, 4(1), 1-16. http://www.finessejournals.com PhD 2021-Journal under Kitivo & Kavulya??? https://www.finessejournals.com/index.php/IJETP/article/view/28
  • Kitivo, E.; Kanga, A. W. & Mbae, J. (2020). Evaluation of Implementation Training Programmes at the Technology Development Center, Athi River, Kenya. International Journal of Educational Theory and Practice, 4(1), 1-16. http://www.finessejournals.com PhD 2021 http://www.finessejournals.com
  • Ochieng, M, A., Kanga, A. W & Mwaniki, C. N. (2022). Influence of Staff Turnover on Academic Performance of Pupils in Public Primary Schools of Bondo Sub-County, Siaya County, Kenya. Journal of Popular Education in Africa, 6(6), 4-21. ISSN 2523-2800 (online) Masters 2022 https://kenyasocialscienceforum.files.wordpress.com/2022/07/pdf-ochieng-kanga-mwaniki-influence-of-staff-turnover-on-academic-performance2.pdf ISSN 2523-2800 (online)-Author’s ID
  • Gatogo, B, N., Kanga, A. W & Machyo, C. (2022). Assessment of Strategies used to Promote Learning of Low Academic Achievers in Public Secondary schools in Kandara Sub-County, Murang’a County, Kenya. Journal of Popular Education in Africa, 6(6), 25-43. ISSN 2523-2800 (online) Masters 2022https://kenyasocialscienceforum.files.wordpress.com/2022/06/pdf-gatogo-kanga-machyo-assessment-of-strategies-used-to-promote-learning-of-low-academic-achievers.pdf ISSN 2523-2800 (online)
  • Akhwesa, G., Anyona, J, N & Kanga, A. W. (2022). Preparedness of Facilitators in Promoting Implementation of Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) in Pre Schools in Kayole, Location, Nairobi, Kenya. Journal of Popular Education in Africa, 6(4), 64-75. https://kenyasocialscienceforum.files.wordpress.com/2022/05/pdf-akhwesa-anyona-kanga-preparedness-of-facilitators-in-promoting-implementation-of-competence-based-curriculum-cbc-in-pre-schools-in-kayole-location-nairobi.pdfISSN 2523-2800 (online)
  • Kiuna, M., Ngonzi, E. Okapalaenwe…& Kanga, A. (2022). Gender Differences in Decision Making Skills among Teacher Trainees: A Comparative Study of Public Diploma Teacher Training Colleges in Nairobi and Nyeri Counties. IQSR-Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences –IQSR-JHSS), 27(7), 52-58. DOI: 10.9790/0837-2707095258. www.iosrjournals.org
  • Kiuna, M., Ngonzi, E. Okapalaenwe…& Kanga, A. (2022). Gender and Age Differences in Conflict Resolution: A Case of of Public Diploma Teacher Training Colleges in Nairobi and Nyeri Counties. IQSR-Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences –IQSR-JHSS), 27(8), 51-57. DOI: 10.9790/0837-2708085. www.iosrjournals.org
  • Kimathi, K., Kanga, A. W. & Ng’ang’a, F. (2022). A Review of Strategies used by Principals to Enhance Discipline in Public Secondary Schools in Kirinyaga Central Sub-County, Kirinyaga County, Kenya. Journal of Popular Education in Africa, 6(2), 74-85. ISSN 2523-2800 (online)
  • Munyao, P. W., Mwonga, M. A. & Kanga, A. W. (2022). Influence of Head Teachers’ Support on Implementation of CBC in Public Primary Schools in Kandara Sub-County, Murang’a County, Kenya. Journal of Popular Education in Africa, 6(2), 1-15. ISSN 2523-2800 (online)

Conference Presentations

  • Kinuthia, A., Nduku, E. & Kanga, A. (2023). Influence of Head Teachers Interpersonal Skills on the implementation of Health and Hygiene Safety Guidelines in Public Primary schools in Murang’a South Sub-County, Kenya. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the African Educational Research Network, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Kinuthia, A., Nduku, E. & Kanga, A. (2023). Challenges Faced by Head Teachers in the Implementation of School Health and Hygiene Safety Guidelines in Public Primary Schools in Murang’a South Sub-County, Kenya. Paper presented at the 17th International Conference on Education and Development, Accra, Ghana.
  • Akhwesa, G., Anyona, J. and Kanga, A. (2022). Preparedness of Facilitators in Promoting Implementation of Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) in Pre Schools in Kayole, Location, Nairobi, Kenya. Paper presented at the International Conference on Early Childhood Education, Mombasa, Kenya.
  • Kiuna, M, Ngonzi, E. Okapalaenwe…& Kanga, A. (July, 2022). Gender Differences in Decision Making Skills among Teacher Trainees: A Comparative Study of Public Diploma Teacher Training Colleges in Nairobi and Nyeri Counties. Paper presented at the International Conference on Gender Studies, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Kiuna, M, Ngonzi, E. Okapalaenwe…& Kanga, A. (August, 2022). Gender and Age Differences in Conflict Resolution: A Case of of Public Diploma Teacher Training Colleges in Nairobi and Nyeri Counties. Paper presented at the International Conference on Conflict Resolution, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Njiru, J. I. & Kanga, A. W. (2022). Challenges and Solutions of Guidance and Counseling Services in Public Primary Schools in Mbere Division, Embu County, Kenya. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Educational Psychology and Counseling, Madrid, Spain.
  • Omboto, C. M & Kanga, A. W. (2022). Where are we in Space? Examining Teachers’ ICT Competency in Teaching Learners in Special Primary Schools in Nairobi, Kenya. Paper presented at the International Conference on Education and Technology, Paris, France.
  • Omboto C. M., Kanga, A. W. & Njageh, A. K. (2022). Myth or Reality? Digital Literacy Programme Implementation in Primary Special Schools in Nairobi, Kenya. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Digital Learning, Beijing, China.
  • Kitivo, E.; Kanga, A. W. & Mbae, J. (2021). Evaluation of Training Programmes: A Review of Selected Models and Approaches. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Educational Research and Evaluation, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Kitivo, E.; Kanga, A. W. & Mbae, J. (2020). Evaluation of Implementation Training Programmes at the Technology Development Center, Athi River, Kenya. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Education Policy and Planning, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Ochieng, M, A., Kanga, A. W & Mwaniki, C. N. (2022). Influence of Staff Turnover on Academic Performance of Pupils in Public Primary Schools of Bondo Sub-County, Siaya County, Kenya. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Educational Leadership and Policy, Dubai, UAE.
  • Gatogo, B, N., Kanga, A. W & Machyo, C. (2022). Assessment of Strategies used to Promote Learning of Low Academic Achievers in Public Secondary schools in Kandara Sub-County, Murang’a County, Kenya. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Inclusive Education, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Akhwesa, G., Anyona, J, N & Kanga, A. W. (2022). Preparedness of Facilitators in Promoting Implementation of Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) in Pre Schools in Kayole, Location, Nairobi, Kenya. Paper presented at the International Conference on Early Childhood Education, Mombasa, Kenya.
  • Kiuna, M., Ngonzi, E. Okapalaenwe…& Kanga, A. (2022). Gender Differences in Decision Making Skills among Teacher Trainees: A Comparative Study of Public Diploma Teacher Training Colleges in Nairobi and Nyeri Counties. Paper presented at the International Conference on Gender Studies, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Kiuna, M., Ngonzi, E. Okapalaenwe…& Kanga, A. (2022). Gender and Age Differences in Conflict Resolution: A Case of of Public Diploma Teacher Training Colleges in Nairobi and Nyeri Counties. Paper presented at the International Conference on Conflict Resolution, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Kimathi, K., Kanga, A. W. & Ng’ang’a, F. (2022). A Review of Strategies used by Principals to Enhance Discipline in Public Secondary Schools in Kirinyaga Central Sub-County, Kirinyaga County, Kenya. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Educational Leadership, New York, USA.
  • Munyao, P. W., Mwonga, M. A. & Kanga, A. W. (2022). Influence of Head Teachers’ Support on Implementation of CBC in Public Primary Schools in Kandara Sub-County, Murang’a County, Kenya. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development, Stockholm, Sweden.
Get in Touch
  • Address: Karen, Nairobi, Kenya
  • Email: ankanga@cuea.edu
  • Phone: 0723-017-418
  • Occupation: Educationist and Social Science Researcher
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